Usage of clay in depicting facial expressions
Ceramic Art, Conceptual Art, Facial Expression, CommunicationAbstract
People convey emotions or feelings through facial expressions. In terms of emotions and feelings, it is possible to illustrate such expressions by using various visual art application techniques. Nevertheless, such examples which directly interpret facial expressions within ceramic art which is the focus of this study, have not been detected. In this research, some human facial expressions have been studied, to conform to the facial expressions abstract sketches have been designed and eventually, five facial expressions in Ceramic Art have been produced. Employing a studio-based research method, the study revealed that human facial expressions can be expressed by using clay as a medium. The study also revealed that emotions and feelings can be easily miscommunicated, especially when the body gestures of the individual do not match one's facial expression. The success of the study provides a good platform for people to interpret facial expressions as non-verbal forms of communication. The study calls for further research on other facial expressions using other mixed media. It is also recommended that in the future a mould could be made with varied facial expressions to speed up production and for reproduction purposes.
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