Evaluation Process
In our journal, the blind-review system is used in the evaluation process, and Scientific Research and Publication Ethics rules are followed in the journal. Detailed information on Research and Publication Ethics can be found on the Author's Guide page.
Peer Review Policy
Authors can follow the editorial and review process from the page where they submit their manuscripts. All articles are evaluated for compliance with the content and theme of the journal by the editor, and the editor submits to section editors. If the article is not suitable for the journal theme, the author will be notified as soon as possible. Due to the increase in the number of applications, the pre-evaluation process is hectic. Please note that there may be delays in the pre-evaluation before the refereeing process begins. Section Editors evaluate the article for suitability for the field, journal writing rules, check for plagiarism, and inform the editor of any necessary corrections. The evaluation duration by the sector editor is one week for each article. After the corrections are completed, the article is sent to the reviewers. The articles are reviewed by at least two external reviewers and the editor receives additional comments when necessary. The duration of evaluation by the reviewer is 21 days for each article. The reviewer evaluates the article and reports it. The authors are informed about the reported articles by e-mail. The editorial board controls all processes. The reviewers have the right to request more than one correction and to see it after the correction. After the author makes the necessary corrections, section editors check the article, prepare the galley and send it to production for publication order. All publishing rights of the accepted articles are deemed to assign to IDA: International Design and Art Journal. Articles can not be published and copied anywhere and can not be used without reference. It is a non-profit journal that does not charge article submission charges (ASCs), and article processing charges (APCs).
Retraction / Post-Publication Correction
The author can withdraw the article in the case of a new submission while it is in the secretariat or the editor. The process closes when the article is withdrawn. Authors wishing to withdraw their work under review should contact the journal editor. Since the authors have transferred the publication rights at the article submission stage, the article cannot be sent to another journal for evaluation unless the retraction request of the study is approved. Post-release corrections can be made within seven days. If any correction obligation arises at the end of this process, information should be published for the next issue.
Screening for Plagiarism
Articles submitted for publication are priorly controlled via İThenticate (Plagiarism Detection Software). If articles are identified as plagiarism or self-plagiarism with more than 20%, the manuscript will return to the author for correction. After this process, if the original submission still has at least 20% plagiarism, the journal has the right for rejection.
Open Access Policy
IDA Journal has adopted the publishing standards and policy set by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and it is an Open Access Journal. Open Access (OA) provides free access to the articles published in IDA Journal.