Comparative study of aerial photography / (UAV)-drone vs 16th century cityscape art
Camera Obscura-Pinhole Camera, Photography, Aerial Drone-Photography, Panoramic-View, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)Abstract
Technology has predisposed us to various opinions on the current state of affairs. This article aims to investigate the historical approach and the development of aerial photography, namely a comparative study using drone (UAV) as a device vs 16th-century city and landscape mapping. This article also intends to explore how aerial photography with a drone (UAV) technology may provide a better understanding of how to improve the development of the metropolitan landscape. This study indicates that one can use a drone device to instantly visualise and better understand the cityscape from different dimensions and perspectives. The drone potentially previews and captures the live visuals, offering another representation of scale and reality that is impossible in the traditional city and landscape painting (mono composition). This study would employ an empirical method of observation and measurement of phenomena using verifiable evidence that the researchers experienced before reaching concrete outcomes. At the same time, this paper reviews the usage of the drone as a visualisation and representation tool to better construct an alternative reality (possibilities of different views). As a result, the most appealing aspect of utilising a drone (UAV) device for photography is the ability to shoot from a higher viewpoint. Most drones, particularly those meant for more advanced users, include built-in cameras that can spin and swivel to allow the operator to take photographs and videos from various angles. As a result, drone usage improves visual and cultural background documentation to provide alternate answers that would otherwise be incomprehensible.
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