Television and architecture: The impact of TV programs on profession choosing
Television, Interior architecture, Architecture, Architecture TV programs, Choice of professionAbstract
Television, as a form of mass media, has an indispensable place and an active role in the daily lives of individuals. Among culture-art programs, those focusing on topics such as discussions, design, practical applications and real estate within the discipline of architecture provide educational opportunities for people to learn more about the field. In this context, a study was conducted with students of the architecture department and interior architecture department, who interacted more than normal with mass media, especially television and the internet, during the pandemic process. The study aims to determine whether the architectural programs on television are effective in influencing the career choices of students. In the study, semi-structured survey technique of quantitative research methods was used. First-year students from architecture and interior architecture undergraduate programs participated in the survey. Less than half of the 367 students who participated in the survey responded positively to whether television programs helped them with their career decisions. The majority of students who stated that they had an impact said that they had a moderate or above-average impact. This result can be seen at a low level. However, among the many socio-cultural, environmental, and economic factors affecting career choice, the fact that television programs are also a factor at this level makes it an important parameter.
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