Leading trends in mass housing research in Türkiye and worldwide



Mass housing, Housing, Bibliometric analysis, Housing policy, Türkiye


The concept of mass housing is a housing production model that emerged due to the rapid increase in urbanization. Mass housing has gained importance in the literature on architecture and urban planning because of the vast areas it covers in cities and the large population it serves. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of publications on mass housing. The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched to obtain numerical data on the subject. Bibliographic maps of the publications from the WoS database were generated using the VOSviewer software. The mapping included country, journal activity, keyword, and author analyses. The finding that Türkiye has the highest number of publications and citations in the country analysis indicates the importance and relevance of the subject for Türkiye.  Publication analysis by year revealed an increasing trend in publications in this field in recent years.  This study is expected to serve as a valuable reference for researchers in mass housing research and future studies.


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