Evaluation of artificial intelligence and aesthetics based on Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting
New aesthetics, Artificial intelligence, Art, Design, Vincent van GoghAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to examine, understand and evaluate the aesthetic role of artificial intelligence, which has become increasingly effective in art production in recent years. The article focuses on the artistic creation and aesthetic concepts of artificial intelligence. The research examines the effects of artificial intelligence on artistic creation and the role of this technology on artistic aesthetics through Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” painting. In the article, the descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, and the composition method were applied when interpreting the visuals. In this context, a review and interpretation were made on six studies created with artificial intelligence. The plastic state of the images was revealed and interpreted according to the composition method, art and design principles and elements. According to the research results, works produced with artificial intelligence have aesthetic components of original works of art. However, works produced with artificial intelligence also show some important aesthetic differences from traditional works of art. These differences include color and application, repetition of the prompt and self-development. Artificial intelligence offers an aesthetic experience that changes, expands or clearly reveals the boundaries of traditional artworks. It is understood that artificial intelligence, which applies the formal language of artists through deep learning, has limited potential to convey the emotional expression of the artist. Visuals produced by artificial intelligence seem to create a unique aesthetic while being successful in emulating traditional creative works.
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