The Use of Illustration Art in Children Oriented Indoor and Furniture Designs: Application Examples and Techniques
Illustration, Kid, Interior Design, FurnitureAbstract
Perception is the ability to organize and interpret the information around, since birth. For children between the ages of 0-6, the interior reinforcement elements in their own room and kindergarten, where they spend most of their time, are important in terms of perception and experiences with their functional and visual effects. The art of illustration is also very effective in the child’s perception of space. The aim of the research is to draw attention to the contribution of the illustration to the space in interior designs for children using illustration art. The formal features of the furniture used in children's rooms, which are places designed for children, constitute the subject of this research article. The abstract illustrative designs of living and inanimate beings, are seen in children products with different interpretations. Creative forms combine with functional furniture as the illustration affects stylistic features in product and furniture designs. This fact enhance the child's ability to interpret objects differently. In this study, the formal characteristics of illustrations used in children's spaces and on equipment elements are examined. In the design of children products, the criteria and factors affecting the children's furniture are investigated, and the furniture in illustrative forms are chosen, and its formal features and functions are examined.
The research is conducted by using qualitative methods like observation and analysis of documents. The designs which include illustrations were chosen from products, books and interior wall designs. In addition, the illustrations applied by different designers in furniture design have been stylistic and functionally tabulated. As a result, these designs, which affect the creativity of individuals from an early age, also play an important role in the development of the children’s imagination with their creative forms. The illustrations used in interiors and furniture designs for children, should be selected considering the age group and interests of the child. In terms of giving identity to the place, designs where illustration is used are preferred in places for children.
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