Evaluation of Biophilic Design Criteria through Interactive Open Offices



Open Office, Biophilic Design, Nature, Interior Space



It is known that human beings have benefited from nature physically and spiritually since the beginning of their existence. In current office buildings, people have to gather and complete their shifts in crowded, noisy, dark, and tangled large openings that are detached from nature. In addition to the psychological problems caused by being exposed to such work environments, such as inability to concentrate, decrease in work efficiency due to noise pollution, and an insufficient level of privacy; physical problems occurring from reasons such as the inadequacy of indoor air quality and insufficient level of air conditioning are added. The purpose of the study is to investigate what kind of design environments that are susceptible to human psychology and nature can be created by the use of biophilic design elements as natural materials in interior spaces, vegetation, nature-inspired forms, natural ventilation, and natural lighting, and the implementations of biophilic design approach to office buildings by the use of functional and formal features of nature while considering the current needs. The study is conducted by the use of document and descriptive analysis as a qualitative research method. Accordingly, within the scope of the study, open office buildings located in different regions of the world are investigated and evaluated through the applications of the 14-item biophilic design principles and their reflection on the design in terms of visual and sensory stimuli in the interior space scale. As a result, it will be possible to close the gaps of current architecture and design understanding with biophilic design applications and reflect the awareness of the strong bond that fundamentally exists between human and nature in living spaces to space through sensory and visual stimuli. The biophilic design approach that aims to eliminate the problems arising from the living places that are a part of our lives, workplaces, educational buildings, hospitals, the chaos of the bustling city life and to enhance the quality of life of an individual; is significant to be active and successful, maintaining the well-being of individuals and thus, creating happier societies.


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