Re-thinking architectural education with the Z-generation: “Bricolage” as a visual learning style



The first year of architectural design, the Generation Z, Bricolage, Representation Methods, Visual Learning


Developments in information and communication technology, which constantly change the way we perceive the world, have affected the learning styles of the individuals of the generation Z towards being visual and image-oriented. The perception styles and short interest periods of this generation, who are the learners of today's higher education institutions, are constantly fed with multiple visual flows and instantly changing information, so that the current learning system requires a differentiation by learner-centered approach. In architectural education, where visual communication, perception, and representation techniques are at the forefront, the learning process begins with conventional thinking tools, so it may be insufficient to attract the attention of the Generation Z. In this context, the aim of the study is based on re-evaluating the conventional tools in first-grade architectural education within the scope of interests and abilities of the Generation Z. In this study, the design tools that will be reconsidered for first-grade architectural education are established within the framework of the concept of "bricolage" which is seen as the way of the Generation Z's perception. This notion is the ability to integrate different parts with the creative element into a common context. Within the scope of the study, bricolage is interpreted as a learning style that conventional representation expressions are constructed with multiple sequence narratives. In the study, visual narrative techniques such as stop-motion, gif-motion, storyboard, and collage are determined as suitable representation methods for the concept of bricolage. In this context, the method of the study is to discuss these techniques as design tools and grouping them according to the way of creating. These visual narrative techniques, created based on simultaneity or succession, are thought to be a tool to explore the possibilities of action of spaces and design architecture in the context of events. Consequently, the bricolage approach, which puts the learner at the center, enables first-year students, who are not familiar with architectural education methods to acquire basic knowledge and skills. Besides, it is suitable for the kinesthetic learning styles of these individuals, who are Generation Z. In this context, the development of this conceptual reading as a methodology to investigate the action possibilities of spaces and design the architecture in the context of events creates a new perspective for future studies.


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