Effect of ergonomy, function, form and material on equipment in yachts
Interior Design in Yachts, Interior Equipment, Design Criteria, Interior ArchitectureAbstract
As the interior space structure in yachts starts to gain a shape, the design process of interior equipment becomes directly affected. The design process of the equipment that interact with the interior brings along many different application methods depending on the structure of boats, the factors caused by the sea conditions and the user profile. In addition to structural solutions, to build a correct relationship between the design of space, equipment and user, enables the user to experience a comfortable life in useful volumes that serve the purpose. This study focuses on the fact that interior equipment should be well-resolved in terms of ergonomics, function, form and material in order to obtain a livable space design in yachts. The aim is to consider the process of interior equipment being effected by all these factors, and to illustrate and emphasize that the reinforcements can be designed in the light of many binding factors and in line with the design criteria. As a method; literature was reviewed, oral interviews were provided, and the yachts that were the subject of the study were examined in the field and determined. As a result of the study, it was emphasized that the creation of habitable spaces in yachts is possible through the inclusion of equipment, adequate to design criteria, in the planning process. Thus it was concluded that spaces designed by the relevant professionals who did not specialize in this field and did not gain experience could not meet the expectations.
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