A study on applications of glocalization in creative industries


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Postmodernism- Creative Industries- Globalization- Glocalization


The painful transition process from modernism to postmodernism makes its impact felt in the field of globalization as well. Advances in technology have overcome the difficulties experienced in mass production and accessing global markets, enabling the integration of more local markets into the global economy. However, the rapid increase in participants made it difficult to compete in the global market, and the proliferation of different local markets caused cultural differences to become more evident. The study examines the contribution of creative industries and glocalization strategies to the resolution of the global-local conflict, by considering them together. In this study, the findings were analyzed by using the literature review and the survey method together. A total of 310 people, 145 men and 165 women, participated in the survey in Janury 2019. In the case of Turkey, the research shows that there is a positive correlation between the customer experience created by the global brand by considering the cultural, economic and political data of the local society and the level of ad appreciation.


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