The Interrelation between the Consumer, Function and Interior Design in Marinas and the Reflection of Institutional Identity upon Interior Design, Exemplified by Ataköy Marina



Marina, Yacht Harbor, Interior Architecture, Interior Design


Marinas are harbors designed to provide yacht-class watercraft and recreational vessels with moorings and include services such as maintenance and land parking. Furthermore, marinas are equipped with facilities aimed at satisfying yacht-owner’s individual and personal needs. Besides the facilities of convenience, marina services include restaurants, cafes/bars, yacht clubs, shopping and sports centers. After providing general information about the necessary superstructure properties and other criteria of marinas, this study will focuses on the functionsal elements and designs of most customer-visited spacesinteriors most visited by customers. The purpose of the study is to highlight and exemplify the reflection of a marina's institutional identity through interior design. Apart from the general functions of the interior used by the consumer, the study will also include the interior designs of offices and bureaus. As parts of its methodology, the study first conducts a literature review, an analysis of the guidelines, and oral interviews. With the data collected from academic papers, professional magazines and internet sources, inferences were drawn according to an on-site observation of an office complex of a marina that was selected for the study was observed on-site. The study concludes that the example interior environment fits the maritime-themed identity of the establishment and that this design works to attract the consumer base for these services. Moreover, the observations of the conscious decisions made by the designer via furnishings and decorations further support this conclusion.


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