The contribution of mono printing to free and creative learning as an eclectic learning discipline: A case study



Creativity, Education, Art Education, Monoprint


In this research, the contribution of the monoprinting technique, in which the printing and painting disciplines are blended together, with its eclectic structure, on to the development of students in the context of free and creative learning was investigated. Since a depth, intensity and subjectivity based application process has been carried out in the research, the instrumental case study, which is one of the qualitative research types, has been applied. The study was planned and implemented for twelve weeks in order to have an effective experience and examination process. With its experimental and eclectic structure, the monoprint technique offers students an artistic experience, in which they are able to let their knowledge and experience freely. Obtaining, structuring and transferring the knowledge to the next learning processes by developing it each time through a new functionality, is one of the main elements that require creative thinking in monoprint. During the application of monoprint applications, students face various problems related to color knowledge, use of paint, semantic and plastic integrity of the composition elements and they develop new learning strategies. In case of correct and effective orientation during this free learning process, the pictorial and technical experience gained in each print exhibits a continuos progress until it reaches a certain personal style. The necessity of revealing the relationship between experiential phenomena during the application process, triggers creative thinking. Each creative action in the printing process, evolves and develops itself by forming a dialectical unity with the following process of experience. Considering the findings obtained; it is possible to state that the monoprint technique has a significant contribution both on the creativity of students and, plastic and aesthetic perceptions. The fact that needs special attention in this research; the monoprint technique has provided students with artistic consistency and critical perspective that can be reflected in all learning practices in terms of creating new areas of thinking, multi-thinking skills, and subjectivating technical knowledge.


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